Get summer ready with these self-tanners for fair skin

Tans are the coolest thing on the planet, especially during summer. However, with global warming in check, you would want to do your best to get away from the heat waves as much as you can. Whether it is to avoid getting your skin damaged by the sun or you do not want a tan that is going to last you for a long time or is just way too burnt, you would still want a tan at the same. Self-tanners are the best thing that can help you out and if you are way too scared of these because you are thinking they might seem fake, well worry no more because below are some of the best self tanner for fair skin that you can ever get.

Reasons to try out self-tanners


Whether you have to decided to buy the best sunless tanner for fair skin because you think they are worth trying out or you are still thinking if you should get one, learning what you are going to get when you decide to go through with it helps out. Below are some of the reasons why you should put self-tanners on your next shopping list.


Safe to use

Probably the best part of buying the best tan lotion for pale skin is that they are more than safe to use so you would not have to worry about using them at all. some even have anti-ageing properties and UV protection for your skin. Basically, by using them to tan your skin, you would not have to expose yourself to the harmful rays of the sun so there is no risk that you will be getting skin cancer or such.


Easy to apply

While you might think that using self-tanners is complicated, it is the opposite. Instead, they are very easy to apply and you are going to get the tan that you want quicker than normal. You will have that glowing skin that you wanted to have all this time with just a simple application so that you can spread it evenly without any problems. It would be good to leave it for some time before you shower though.



Without a doubt, the reason why a lot of people use self-tanners is that they are very convenient. You can bring them with you wherever you go and they are easy to apply by yourself meaning you can get a tan before a huge event without having to go out and bathe under the sun.


Lasts long

There are a lot of tanners out there that last for a long period of time ranging from 6 days to more than a week so you would not have to keep reapplying them every time. This gives you the healthy tan that you want even if you want it to last even in winter. Surely, you can get tanned for the whole year without fail.


Easy to maintain

They are as easy to maintain as they are easy to apply. You can be sure that you are going to be able to get the tan that you have been dreaming about for some time now. You just got to learn to apply it and you can easily touch it up on your own without any problems.



Top 10 best self-tanners to check out


Isle of Paradise


If you are looking for the best tanning lotion for pale skin or something easy to use that is going to help you achieve that tan that you like, these tanning drops might just be what you are looking for. The best part is that they are also easy to apply and you can add them up to your lotion for a better experience. You can customize how tan you want to look with this product.



  • Comes in three shades for different skin tones
  • Color correcting
  • Formulated to look natural on the skin
  • Tan is customized by how many drops you use
  • Gives a faux glow



  • Price can be a little high


Clarins Tanning Gel

The Clarins Tanning Gel is probably the best self tanner for pale skin and easiest self-tanner you will ever find in the market, even for beginners. It has a gel texture and it is like a lotion that you can apply all over yourself. It is very lightweight so you will not have to worry about applying it over your skin. The best part is that it has a clean and flowery scent that just rubs off you. You just need to wait until it dries and you are then going to get a light tan that no one would realize is fake.



  • Very easy to apply
  • Lightweight
  • Perfect for people looking for a subtle tan



  • Limited range of shades


Bali Body Mousse

Are you looking for a self-tanner that is easy to apply and has a light formula so that it does not feel sticky once it dries? The Bali Body Mousse is perfect for you and it comes in two shades that you can try out. You can leave it for some time to get a darker shade and for an hour if you just want a very light tan. All you need to do is apply a thin coat and you will be good to go.



  • Easy application
  • Gives you a wonderful tan
  • Lasts for a long time
  • Even fading



  • Can be hard to find in physical stores


Coco & Eve Foam


The mousse type that this self-tanner comes in is going to give you the beautiful tan that you have been waiting for. It is one of the best gradual tanning lotions in the market. You are also going to have a great time trying it out and it gives you that easy-to-work consistency for blending. It also has a color guard so you can be sure that you are not going to end up having a tan that is too dark or too light for your skin tone. It comes with a sweet scent that will just help you in loving your tan.


  • Gives an amazing tan
  • Lasts for quite a while
  • Even fading



  • The smell might be too strong for some



Tropez Bronzer

This self-tanning mousse from St. Tropez will rock your world and you are going to love it as it is one of the best fake tanner out there. With its signature fragrance that is known to boost your mood, you are going to like how the results are going to look on you. While it comes in only one shade, the final results are truly something to look into. You will be able to enjoy how lightweight it feels and how even the tan looks even in areas that feel hard to reach.



  • Gives a natural tan look
  • Amazing scent
  • Even application



  • Comes with a limited range
  • Can be pricey


L’Oreal Paris Sublime bronzer

One of the best self-tanners on the market is the one from L’Oreal and it has a colourless sheen that allows you to enjoy even the application. It has a tan that is subtle and forgiving although it only comes in a single shade. It would be good to apply it and leave it for around eight hours before you decide to shower. The application can be challenging at times but when you get used to it, you are surely going to love it as the best sunless tanner for fair skin.



  • Easy to apply
  • Even fading
  • Gives subtle tan
  • Affordable



  • Comes only in a single shade
  • Can give blotchy results in the feet area


Loving Tan Express

If you are looking for something easy to apply and fast to take effect the Loving Tan Express is what you need. You are going to see how the color guard and easy-to-blend formula will help you out as soon as you put it on your skin. You also get a mitt for the application so that makes it even easier for you to put it on. The lightweight formula is also going to be something you enjoy for sure.



  • Comes with a tanning mitt
  • Has quite a range of shades



  • Gives a little pale results


Beauty by Earth


This best tan lotion for pale skin has a lotion-like consistency is what this one is and it is going to give you a smooth feeling upon application. It gives a pretty natural-looking kind of tan and it lasts for around a week. You are surely going to enjoy this product if you are looking for something that gives you an even and natural tan while being moisturizing at the same time.



  • Even tanning
  • Gives a natural tan-looking color



  • Can be hard to apply


Jergens Natural Glow

Whether the sun is out and about or hiding behind the clouds, the Jergens Natural Glow is here to save your day by helping you out by covering your skin with the perfect tan. It is easy to apply and you get a nice colour at the same time. You just need some time to develop it once you have spread it over your skin. It is a decent option and can be found in the drug store so if you happen to forget your regular tanner, this is a good choice to try out.



  • Easy to apply
  • Natural looking tan



  • Can turn out blotchy


Bondi Sans Foam

This product has a color guard and it is going to be a fun time to apply it. It gives you a moisturizing feeling and you can easily shower just after an hour of application depending on the tan that you like. The fun part is that it does not come out patchy at all so if you are in a rush and you want to get a medium tan, then this is easily a good option or you to check out.



  • Gives a good tan without patchiness



  • Transfers to clothes



Factors to consider in buying self-tanners

Choosing the right tanning lotion for pale skin can be pretty tough but with the following factors for you to consider, picking the right one should be a breeze. To give you an idea about what to look for, below are the best things that you might want to check out.



The first and probably the most important factor that you need to consider is if your self-tanner comes with sunscreen or not. It would be necessary to ensure that it comes with one so that you would not have to worry about your skin being exposed to UV when you go out under the sun. it would also help if it has other benefits like being moisturizing or the like.


Skin tone

Before you decide on what self-tanner to buy, you would have to first consider your skin tone and the range of shades that the brand offers. If the brand offers a wide range, it would be easier to find the right one to match your skin tone. It is always important to find the right match so that you would be getting the results that you desire.



The ingredients in which your product is made are very important since the skin can be allergic to specific items. You want to ensure that you are going to pick one that is compatible with your skin and preferably something that comes with moisturizing effects. You want something that also does not have way too many chemicals that might be bad for your skin. Just make sure that you look over the ingredients before anything else.


Waiting time

Without a doubt, the waiting time or basically how long before you can see the effects of the self-tanner also matters. This is because you want to be able to estimate how long it will take effect so you know when to apply it before you attend an event. This also allows you to control how to tan your skin will be depending on the tanner that you are planning to use.



While some people do not care about how their skin products smell, some people have sensitive noses and if you happen to be one of them, it would be necessary to ensure that you are going to get something that smells nice. You want something that would be nice to smell and wear at the same time. This is why you need to check the fragrance or reviews online before you buy anything.


At the end of the day, it is up to you whether you want to use a self-tanner or not. What is important is that you get to feel the best about your skin as much as you can. You want to be able to enjoy the summer and every single season the world has to offer. You want something that is worth the money that you will be paying for and that you can enjoy to use whenever you feel.

Lena Sunshine

Step into a realm of radiant beauty guided by LenaSunshine_Writes, our distinguished author and renowned skin expert. With a deep-rooted passion for healthy, glowing skin and a background in dermatology, LenaSunshine_Writes is your go-to source for expert advice.

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