Best Tanning Bed Lotions 2021: What To Add To Your Shopping List

One’s appearance is greatly influenced by his skin. Regardless of your complexion, what matters most is that your skin is clear and healthy. However, many fair-skinned individuals prefer browner skin especially when the summer season arrives. Thanks to tanning beds and suntan lotions, it has become possible to put on that tawny glow anytime and anywhere.

Whether you are a newbie or an experienced tanner, it is ideal to know about the best tanning bed lotion, 2021, and beyond. You will want the most trusted product to aid you especially if you intend to stay tanned for some time. Your health and safety should still be among your priorities while donning a sun-kissed look.

Why Tan Your Skin?

We have always loved singing along to Bruno Mars’ famous song “Just The Way You Are”. We especially love this part‒ “Cause you’re amazing just the way you are.” So why make yourself go through some changes like bronzing your skin? The benefits of tanning go beyond what you see on the outside. It is great for your mind and body.

  • Since your skin color significantly affects your appearance, you can feel more confident about yourself when you achieve the look that you want.
  • The UV rays activate endorphins that give you a happy feeling.
  • You can use indoor or outdoor tanning to manage PMS, mood swings, anxiety, and depression.
  • Tanning is being used to treat medical conditions like Vitamin D deficiency, fungal infections, and psoriasis.
  • Tanning, especially outdoors, can boost bone health since it helps your body obtain its needed Vitamin D which aids in processing calcium.
  • The more melanin your skin has, the more protected you are from the harmful rays of the sun because it is the pigmentation that provides the shield.
  • Studies have shown that tanning, when paired with a consistently healthy lifestyle, can prevent the development of certain cancers such as colon and breast cancers.
  • A right amount of exposure to UV rays can regulate the biological clock, thus promoting better quality and duration of sleep at night. This may be the reason that tanning is also used to prevent jet lag when you stay in a different time zone.

Tanning Bed Lotion: Yeah or Nay?

A tanning bed lotion is a product used to hasten the tanning process through various mechanisms depending on its formulation. The usual action is to raise the flow of blood in the skin so that the melanocytes are activated to make more melanin, the pigment responsible for the darkening of the skin. Today, a tanning lotion may or may not contain sunscreen. Should it have it, the SPF is only 8 or lower.

To some people, there may seem to be no difference whether they apply tanning bed lotion or not. Yet the truth is that your tanning process will be safer and more effective when you use such a product.

  • Your skin will less likely become dry since certain tanning lotions contain moisturizing properties that hydrate it throughout the process.
  • Some suntan lotions contain a low amount of SPF that protects the skin despite exposure to heat. Your skin color will deepen without getting burned. This will protect you from issues like wrinkling and premature skin aging too.
  • You will spend lesser time in the tanning bed since some tanning bed lotions contain ingredients that can hasten the process. Some products will even continue to “bake” you even after the session.
  • The tanning process will become more comfortable with the help of coolant suntan lotions.

With these benefits in mind, the entire process is indeed better when you use the best tanning bed lotion in 2021 or the future.

Buying Guide for the Best Tanning Bed Lotion in 2021

Glowing tanned skin will look great whatever the season is. Going through the process is best done with the help of the best tanning bed lotion. 2021 is almost over yet it is not too late to get that sun-kissed skin. And you have right here the buying guide that you did not know you needed.

Before we run down the 10 most recommended tanning bed lotions, below are vital considerations when finding the most suitable product for you.

  • The lotion is great for a wide array of skin types including yours.
  • Authorities in your country deem it safe to use the said product. The tanning bed lotion also has the clearance and permit to be sold locally.
  • You will find many reviews, professional opinions, and reliable personal testimonies that back the tanning bed lotion in mind.
  • This specific suntan lotion has been formulated specifically for indoor tanning.
  • Determine the period that you will likely be spending inside the tanning bed as this will help you pick the right lotion for you. There are formulations meant for speeding up the process and for soothing the skin during prolonged sessions. Choose which is more suitable.
  • The price is reasonable for the product’s performance.

You also need to ensure that you are buying an authentic product. This is possible by ordering it directly from the manufacturer or purchasing from a trusted reseller. You will not get what you have been promised if you are going to use a fake one.

We searched cyberspace far and wide for the best tanning bed lotion in 2021. Let us get to know the most mentioned products by online reviews and trusted sources in no particular order.

1. Australian Gold Cheeky Brown Accelerator Plus Bronzer

This is a famous product that delivers your tanning expectations at a reasonable price. Another thing to like about it is that you can use it for both outdoor and indoor tanning.

The upside:

  • It smells good.
  • The lotion will not leave streaks on your skin.
  • This product contains moisturizer.

The drawback:

It has a thin formulation so it tends to become runny.

2. Australian Gold Dark Tanning Accelerator Lotion

If you want your skin to achieve deeper tones in no time regardless of your skin tone, this is the lotion to use.

The upside:

  • This lotion can deeply moisturize your skin.
  • Because it has natural oils, your skin gets the nutrient it needs.
  • It has cleansing properties.

The drawback:

  • It contains some ingredients that may cause allergic reactions.
  • The product can melt off the skin.

3. Devoted Creations Yes Way, Rose Matte Finish Tanning Lotion

Your skin will look nourished, glowing, and bronzed with this luxurious infusion that contains special ingredients.

The upside:

  • It contains BB cream so that the tanning result will have a matte finish.
  • It can keep your skin moisturized, firm, and healthy despite the tanning process.
  • The product can protect your tattoos.
  • This suntan lotion promotes long-lasting tan.

The drawback:

  • Your hands may become orange if you don’t wash them immediately after applying the lotion.

4. Devoted Creations Somewhere on a Beach Instant Dark Tanning Lotion

Using this is hitting three birds with one stone. You can tan, tone, and moisturize the skin all at the same time.

The upside:

  • It is both for indoor and outdoor tanning.
  • The lotion provides anti-aging protection. It can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • This tanning lotion contains moisturizers.

The drawback:

  • If you are already an experienced tanner and/or your skin is already tanned, you may not be satisfied with the resulting shade as some find it not as dark as they wanted to.

5.  Millennium Tanning Products Solid Black Ultra Advanced Silicone Bronzer

You can achieve a deeper color quickly through its magnificent 100x Bronzer Technology.

The upside:

  • The tanning lotion has a nice floral scent.
  • Your skin gets a bronzed gleam after using the lotion.
  • The deepening of skin color is seen almost instantly upon use.
  • It contains moisturizer.

The drawback:

  • Orange spots or streaks may be visible if not applied evenly.

6. Maui Babe Browning Lotion Tanning Salon Formula

The best thing about it is that the tanning lotion is made with natural ingredients.

The upside:

  • Its formula is water-based so it is smooth to apply.
  • The product does not have bronzer and so it does not stain clothes.

The drawback:

  • Its smell is too strong that some users find it overpowering.

7. Ed Hardy Coconut Kisses Golden Tanning Lotion

It is a popular choice due to the consistent results it delivers.

The upside:

  • Its aroma is nice.
  • The product contains moisturizer.
  • Its formulation is easy to evenly apply and it will not leave visible streaks.

The drawback:

  • There were a few reports of allergic reactions.

8. Dolce Vita The Sicilian 200X Dark Black Bronzer Tanning Lotion

This lotion will gradually brown your skin. This is also a sunless self-tanner so you can achieve that glow even without sun exposure and tanning beds.

The upside:

  • You get results right after application yet also get to enjoy a permanent tan for a long period.
  • It has DHA that keeps skin healthy.

The drawback:

  • The were a few complaints of stinky burnt smell after the tanning session.

9. Hawaiian Tropic Dark Tanning Lotion SPF 4

This product lets your skin stay soft and moisturized while being tanned. It is made with natural ingredients as well.

The upside:

  • It is water-resistant, cruelty-free, and reef-friendly.
  • You still get the protection that your skin needs while being exposed to UV rays.
  • This lotion absorbs easily into the skin.

The drawback:

  • Some users complained of a burning or warm sensation upon use.

10. Tan Asz U Island Black 200x Bronzer Tanning Lotion

If you are going for the darkest tan you want while protecting the skin, this is the ultimate product to use.

The upside:

  • You can use it indoors and outdoors.
  • It contains DHA bronzer.
  • The tanning lotion has an amazing smell.

The drawback:

  • Your hands will turn orange unless you wash the product off right away. It can stain clothes too.
  • It does not include sun protection.

Further Tips

Even if the product that you choose is deemed to be the best tanning bed lotion, 2021 will not give you that skin color that you are aiming for unless you follow these tips:

  • Before buying any product, see to it that you have done thorough research about the bed tanning lotion. Ask a previous or current user of the product if you could find one. It is best to learn from the experience of others than commit the mistake of trying a bad product.
  • When consulting the world wide web, make sure that the reviews you read were written by real, reliable, and unbiased users.
  • Especially if you are going to purchase the product online, you should only order from a trusted seller. Even if the site is famous, always check out the reviews regarding their transactions.
  • Read the instructions or better yet, watch a tutorial or review video, before applying the lotion. Take note of warnings. Use the product as directed by the manufacturer.
  • Swab a thin layer on your skin to check if you will have an allergic reaction before applying the tanning lotion to your entire body. If hesitant, it would be best to consult your doctor or dermatologist.
  • Be careful with using 2 or more products at the same time including your bed tanning lotion.

A bronzed glimmer on the skin stays trendy whatever the current season is. Tan gracefully with the aid of the best bed tanning lotion, 2021, and in the years to come. However, see to it that you only put on your skin the most compatible formulation.

Lena Sunshine

Step into a realm of radiant beauty guided by LenaSunshine_Writes, our distinguished author and renowned skin expert. With a deep-rooted passion for healthy, glowing skin and a background in dermatology, LenaSunshine_Writes is your go-to source for expert advice.

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