How to get a suntan fast: Tips on Getting A Tan without Any Problems

Sun-tanning is one of the best ways on how to get that sun-kissed glow. However, it can cause a ton of damage to your skin. Thus, finding the best ways on how to get suntan fast is the way to go. 

Everyone loves to have that dark sun-kissed skin throughout the year.  Considering the current situation, getting your usual tan may not be enough to have that sun-kissed skin.  There are tons of ways and methods on how to get a suntan fast.  However, despite being the most efficient method, they might also be not the safest way to do. 

With this in mind, we are going to help you find the safest and most effective way on how to get a suntan fast.  Down below are some of the methods that you can do to ensure that you get nothing but sun-kissed skin with no major side effects on your skin and health. You can find here about how long does a tan last.

How to go, Tan 

Another important thing that you need to remember before you start on how to get a suntan fast, you need to consider the method of tanning as well. There are several ways on how you can get a tan. However, to get an effective self-tanning, make sure that you weigh the pros and cons of each method. This way, you rest assured on which one will work out for you.   

A Sunscreen with SPF 30 

One of the ways on how to get a suntan faster than you can say hello is using sunscreen with an SPF 30.  This sunscreen has a broad spectrum of UV protection. It allows you to stay longer under the sun without getting risk of skin cancer.

When you are planning to get an all-day tanning session on the beach, make sure that you apply your sunscreen every 20 minutes. This way, you rest assured that you are safe from the harmful UVA and UVB rays. 

Time is the Essence 

Another important thing that you need to remember is that time is the essence when it comes to sunbathing.  Never sunbathe too long under the sun. If you stay under the sun for too long you might suffer from skin burns like sunburns or suffer from prickly heat due to sweat and heat. Thus, you must take into account the time that you wish to sunbathe. 

If you wish to sunbathe under the sun, make sure to take note of the time. The sun is at its hottest from 10 am to 4 pm. If you happen to be out during those times, make sure to slab yourself with tons of sunscreen to avoid risk of sunburn on your outer layer of skin. 

Boost tanning with tanning enhancers or supplements 

If you want to get that perfect tan before special events, you can opt to use tanning enhancers and supplements. They help you enhance tanning efficiently.  These tanning enhancers can help the production of melanin on your layers of dead skin cells. Thus, you must choose the best tanning enhancer, be it tablets or lotion. You can ask your dermatologist to recommend you some of the best tanning enhancers in the market.

Fake Tan Never Goes with Sunblock 

Another important thing that you need to remember on how to get a suntan fast is to never mix the fake tan and sunscreen. Mixing them may cause more harm than good on your skin type. Fake tan can cause your sunscreen to be infective. Ineffective SPF can cause many kinds of skin damage problems in the long run. 

If you want a sunblock with a tan, then opt for brands with both. You can ask for a dermatologist to help you choose the best option for a fake tan and sunblock. There are tons of sunblock with tinting colors. It might not give you the best tan look but it gives you a little bit of darker shade.  

Never be Afraid of the Shade 

One of the wrong misconceptions on how to get a suntan fast is if you are always for long period of time in the sun, but this misconception is considered harmful in many ways. Thus, it is always advised to get into shade when the sun is at its peak. This way, you can ensure that you won’t be dehydrated or even burned while being  sun exposure. 

If you need to be out around the peak time, make sure to bring your sun essentials like an umbrella and sunblock or sunscreen. Always carry your essentials wherever you go. That way, you are well prepared whenever you go out under the sun.  

Tanning baths are always welcomed 

Another way on how to get a suntan fast is by getting tanning baths. Many skincare clinics are now introducing tanning baths to many of their customers. It allows them to get instant dark skin in 2-3 days. This way, you don’t have to stay outside for more than necessary. 

If you opt to get tanning to bathe, make sure that you let it bake for 8 hours before going anywhere. This way, you can have that darker skin shade to stick on your skin before your vacation starts. If you aren’t confident enough in going to skincare clinics at this time, opt to get a sun-tanning bath formula. Make sure that you only purchase this formula from certified skincare brands. This way, you rest assured that your skin color is safe from any harm. 

There is nothing wrong with faking it 

If you are someone who doesn’t love the idea of being tan all year long, then why not fake a perfect tan? With the magic of science, a lot of Skin Care companies have been making their formulas of the best fake and perfect tans in their tanning lotions. This way, you don’t just get that perfect fake tan but you are also well-protected from the harmful UV rays. 

Aside from tanning lotion, fake tan formulas can also come in creams and mist. This way, you can easily apply on hard to reach places. If you opt for the fake tanning option, make sure that you ask for recommendations from your dermatologist. 

Tan Right, Eat Right 

Aside from faking the perfect tan, you can also opt to get a healthy perfect tan. Although this kind of tan may not be as fast as lightning, you rest assured that your layers of skin is always safe. When choosing the best food to get the help you get the best suntan is a food rich in beta carotene. 

Beta carotene is one of the best food sources for antioxidants. Anti-oxidants can help you get that perfect tan without burning your skin. Aside from that, it also provides other kinds of vitamins such as Vitamin A for better eye sight. It’s a multi-purpose food supplement for your eyes and skin. 

Aside from beta carotene, you should also eat foods rich in lycopene. Lycopene foods are also rich in anti-oxidant agents that help keep your skin from burning and aging as well. 

Strapless is your new tanning fashion 

If you want even tanning on your skin, then make sure you wear strapless clothes. It helps even out the tan on visible areas. For some people, tan lines on the shoulders may be a new no-no. For male tanners, you can opt for a half-naked fashion. This way, you get an even tan on your upper body. 

Even timing is also a must 

Sun-tanning under the sun is also another method on how to get suntan fast. However, one of the things that you need to remember is that you need to time it properly. You must tan your front and back properly. Make sure that you have time them evenly and not one minute late. This way, you rest assured that your whole body is the same skin tone through and through. 

Be wary of tanning beds 

There are tons of ways on how to get a suntan fast. However, tanning beds may not be the best option for you.  There are several tons of studies that show that tanning beds have done so many damages to your skin. Thus, you shouldn’t consider getting tanning beds.  You should opt for other tanning options on how to get suntan fast. Read here about sunbed tanning tips.

Remember to do your aftercare 

Lastly, always remember to do your aftercare of your self-tanning. Self-tanning can dehydrate your skin. Thus, you must keep your skin hydrated from being out in the sun. Make sure that you have your moisturizer in hand.  Aside from that, make sure that you drink plenty of water as well. This way, you rest assured that your body and skin are well hydrated. 


There are tons of ways on how to get a suntan fast. However, you must reconsider your options on tanning your skin.  This way, you rest assured that you can get your sun-kissed skin without getting any harm on your fair skin.  Now that you have some of the tips, make sure that you use some of our information on your skin tanning needs. Who knows, it might just work out for you! 

Lena Sunshine

Step into a realm of radiant beauty guided by LenaSunshine_Writes, our distinguished author and renowned skin expert. With a deep-rooted passion for healthy, glowing skin and a background in dermatology, LenaSunshine_Writes is your go-to source for expert advice.

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